Marketa Lazarova (Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]
[ US / Criterion / Blu-ray ] 新品!
チェコ映画史上最高傑作と賞される『Marketa Lazarova』の北米版ブルーレイ!!リリースは高音質、高画質で定評のあるクライテリオンから!!
出演: Josef Kemr, Magda Vasaryova, Nada Hejna, Ivan Paluch, Vlastimil Harapes
監督: Frantisek Vlacil
【Special Features】
・New high-definition digital film restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray edition
New interviews with actors Magda Vasaryova, Ivan Paluch, and Vlastimil Harapes and costume designer Theodor Pistek
・New interviews with film historian Peter Hames and journalist and critic Antonin Liehm
・New English subtitle translation
・PLUS: A booklet featuring new essays by film scholar Tom Gunning and author and translator Alex Zucker and a 1969 interview with Vlacil by LiehmMore!
レイトオータム[Blu-ray] 完全版 / 洋画
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