HPE Networking Instant On 12V Power Adapter for Instant On AP11, AP12, AP15, AP21, AP22, AP25 and AP32 | RW rest-of-world PlugsThe Instant On 12V power adapter is used to power Instant On Access Points AP11, AP12, AP15, AP21, AP22, AP25 and AP32
Order if you want to power with an adapter and have ordered the standalone package of the Instant On AP11, AP12, AP15, AP21, AP22, AP25 or AP32 access point
Local power adapter is necessary for the remote Instant On access point if you intend to use Instant On Smart Mesh technology, as Power over Ethernet in that case cannot be used
The Instant On 12V power adapter with rest of the world plugs (R9M79A) includes a wall-wart AC adapter with 7 snap-on plug types (AR plug + AU plug + BR plug + CH plug + UK plug + IN plug + KR plug). An additional power cord is not needed
Note that R9M78A and R9M79A are functionally identical. Availability varies in different regions
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