<< Before placing your order >>---------------------------There is a possibility that the product may be out of stock after the order is placed.In some cases. shipments may be delayed due to reasons beyond our control.In the above cases. we will notify you as soon as possible.Please note that we keep a large stock of this product. but due to the popularity of this product. please be aware of this before ordering.---------------------------Nespresso capsuleSmooth and sweet tasteThe lightest roast in Starbucks10 capsules in 1boxPrice per EACH : ¥72.8Backed by nearly 50 years of Starbucks coffee buying. blending and roasting experience. this amazingly soft second espresso was born.A special selection of Latin American beans are blended to bring out the sweetness and vibrant flavor. Calm and good taste of the balance brings out the sweetness of milk. while suppressing the roast sense of classic espresso drinks. highlights the smoothness.<< ご注文前の確認事項 >>
1箱 10カプセル / 1カプセル 5.3gあたり ¥72.8
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